Crossing Hearts

1 week - 1 Product Designer

Stakeholder meetings, design, prototyping

Tools: Figma, Adobe Premiere Pro, Illustrator, Photoshop, Google Suite, Microsoft Suite

Crossing Hearts is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting single mothers and young adults facing mental health and substance abuse challenges. As the lead designer for this impactful project, I was tasked with creating a comprehensive visual identity and digital presence that would resonate with multiple stakeholders: potential donors, grant committees, and program participants.

The logo design journey began with an extensive sketching phase, exploring various concepts that could encapsulate the organization's mission. Through an iterative process involving client feedback, I refined these concepts, ultimately translating the chosen direction into a digital format. The final logo symbolizes the intersection of support and personal growth, visually representing the 'crossing' in Crossing Hearts.

User-Centric Design

Understanding the diverse audience, the design caters to three primary user groups:

Donors: Clean, professional layout with easy-to-find impact metrics and donation processes.

Grant Committees: Detailed program information and clear organizational structure to facilitate funding decisions.

Potential Participants: Warm, inviting design with accessible language and prominent contact information.

Color Palette Selection

Recognizing the sensitive nature of the organization's work, I carefully curated a color palette to create a calming and reassuring atmosphere:

Primary Colors: Muted blues were chosen as the dominant colors, evoking feelings of trust, stability, and serenity.

Accent Color: A desaturated orange serves as the highlight color, introducing warmth and optimism without overwhelming the senses.

This thoughtful color selection helps to create an environment of safety and hope, crucial for both potential participants and donors.

Outcome and Impact

The final product is a cohesive brand identity and website that effectively communicates Crossing Hearts' mission. The design not only serves as a powerful tool for fundraising and grant applications but also as a beacon of hope for those seeking support. This project exemplifies how thoughtful design can contribute to social impact, bridging the gap between those in need and those who can help.


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Design by the Pacific